SWSTT Sponsorship is available to further support and promote member businesses and the South West Sydney region as a destination.
Sponsorships are open to all tourism businesses that are members of SWSTT through which we provide the prominent website promotion that showcases the best tourism experiences on offer in South West Sydney and or, by hosting and or speaking at one
of our regular advocacy events, that engage with all levels of Government, Destination NSW, WSA, and other advocacy groups and businesses within our Tourism and Visitation sector.
Affordable Business or Corporate sponsorships promotes your business and tourism assets by promoting South West Sydney as a Region and as a Destination of choice in Western Parklands City.
is your gateway to maximize your business recognition and opportunities whilst supporting all South West Sydney LGAs in order to compete with the established visitation migration that so far has been encouraged to travel east and north of the new airport.
The New Airport will provide the opportunity for South West Sydney to attract greater national and international visitation by marketing both individual businesses as well as a collaborated marketing approach to all our tourism assets as a Region through SWSTT
membership and sponsorship.
Visual imagery is one of the most important factors when consumers are researching, planning, or booking travel online. Online listings with high-quality photos and videos are vital to the future branding of South West Sydney as a destination. The SWSTT sponsorships are designed to support tourism businesses by capturing high-quality imagery and footage that showcases the best tourism experiences in our area that will attract more visitation and more government funding
THE STARTER Corporate Sponsorship on offer for $5,000 includes:
- A 12-month business membership of SWSTT (currently valued at $990)
- The business listing is included on the SWSTT website with links to your website listed under your Local Government Area in South West Sydney.
- Your larger-sized logo included on a member’s page of the SWSTT website and on all our communications and event promotions
- Your business logo on our media wall at all events and opportunities for any new promotions or updates
- One free ticket for a representative at all events
MAJOR PLATINUM Corporate Partner Sponsorship offer for $10,000 includes
- A 24-month Corporate Membership of SWSTT.
- Business listing under Corporate Sponsor included on the SWSTT website with links to the Corporate feature promotion of your supplied photos, videos, and text to appear
on your own promotion of your business to be included on the SWSTT website. - Your larger size logo included on the corporate sponsor’s page of the SWSTT website and on all our communications and event promotions
- One free table of 10 booked under your corporate name at 4 SWSTT events per year.
- A free promotional feature page on the SWSTT Website.
- The opportunity to host an SWSTT task force event for the presentation and promotion of your Tourism asset or organization.
- Your name is on our media wall at all events and opportunities for any new promotions or updates.
- Opportunity to speak at each event.
Support us in raising the profile of SW Sydney as a destination